Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A new post of some old things

Hi again internets,
In honour of this beautiful item showing up (and which I will soon make functional) I finally managed to post up some earlier stuff I shot with 16mm on Youtube. So for your enjoyment...

Also, I recently came across this. It has a great retro look and feel, easy quick bedside access to the internet, internet radio etc. And yet... its a $100 clock. Totally pointless as my phone or computer which is really just as close to my bed as this would be can achieve all the same things.
and not cost $100.

Yet... few things have screamed "The Future!" to me like this thing does. and so now I desperately sort of want a totally useless, pointless $100 bedside clock.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sunday Drive

For some reason this picture, this very drawing is, of everything I have done recently, The one I am the most pleased with. Just something about it makes me grin and think "hey I drew that!" every time I look at it. To the point where my first attempt at a webcomic might be something involving those two fellows. They just scream crazy adventures don't they?

Also this is going on a T-shirt, possibly with an "Old Tyme Robot" banner above it but Justin and I have yet to decide that. So if you like it as much as I, give me a shout and it could grace your already sexy self and make it just a little bit more attractive.
Just a little.

(oh and please look at the high res version as it does look all detaily in that mode)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cpt. Rusty Pants

Sorry there kids. I had planned on posting this a little while ago buuuutt I started colouring it and then got sidetracked with various other things not related to drawing (mostly Brutal Legend).
So while the colour version is probably 80% done and will be posted eventually, here is the finished black and white of the robot on a ship you are all probably quite bored of now.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

sketchy things

As part of my desire to maintain this as something I update often here is a very early sketch of what I am currently working on (based off an idea given by JJ)

*Edit* here is a more recent version of it. Woo! witness the process that is art

And don't worry, dinosaurs will eventually return to my drawing. Just been listening to lots and lots of electronica (and finally Wolfgang Amadeaus Phoneix) of late and its just tends to cause me to draw more robots than anything else. Go figure.

Also Alanna you should win a prize of some sort for putting the very first comment on this site.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A new (actual) video

Finally figured out the encoding problems (I hope) so here is that video I mentioned, looking slightly less like junk.

Hope you like it! (It's supposed to be a comedy) Thanks again to JJ and Lori

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Video

Just finished editing a new short film entitled "A blind-ish date" Hope its enjoyable.

Took off the video. This codec buisness is really bothering me so once I have it figured out I'll post it back on here.

I really need to figure out a better encoder for youtube... Christ that is some low quality video.

Also I managed to scan in a few more of those old photos.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Portraits from a forgotten age

A few old photograph portraits I found in a thrift store the other day. Will post more of them over the coming weeks.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Revised Wool On Wolves shirt

Cleaned up the artwork on that idea for a Wool on Wolves T-shirt. Think I might have went a little line shading heavy though... so here is a slightly toned down variant. Opinions?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New TV Show mini review

I do not think I have ever fallen in love with a show as quickly as I have with Community.
Well... ok maybe The Venture Bros.
Either way if you enjoy things that are funny you should probably be downloading it and watching it right now. That or use "broadcast TV" but who does that?
Community = A-

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Shurt

As per Alanna's request this is going on a T-shirt. Why? I could not tell you really but someone told me that kids these days enjoy the nonsense.
and boy does this drawing make no sense.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Urban Landscape

Birthday card drawing for a friend. Digital copy turns out much better than the eventual printed one (stupid Canon printer and its lack of colour depth).
A very (very) early design idea for a T-shirt for a friends band, Wool On Wolves. And lets be honest here, they should be your friends too.

As you can probably tell, the monochrome city-scape has been a strange obsession of late. I blame it (20%) on the fact that I have lived in Toronto long enough now to call it a home and (80%) on the Insanely Brilliant (!) Canabalt. I mean man.... if I could only create things a 28th of how great this is I would be happy for the rest of my life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rock n' Ads

A few of the more recent ad's I have made for my room-mates band Retro Radio. I really need to start silk-screening some of these as they would probably turn out pretty neat. Especially the Elivis dinosaur (young and hungry or fat and vegas?)

The Endless Commute

Two of probably four entries in my next sticker series. I think it would be pretty cool to do these large on a canvas using auto paints for the vehicles but that is a project for another day.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ziggy Hepburn

Silk-Screened image on paper (and also light blue t-shirts) based off a rare insightful moment while drinking.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Dinosaur's of Flight (series 1)

Just a few sticker designs that will hopefully be the first part in a series. Feel free to print them off and stick em around and try to keep any modifications to just making them more awesome.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Storyboard panel for a short animated video. Just really, really pleased with how it turned out..

Just some lazy pen sketches from yesterday. Really need to figure out some means of duplicating a fountain pen within photoshop.

Testing the system

Just a quick test dinosaur who is just as confused with the concept of the site as I am.